News and Updates on HD Hyundai
HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering Unveils New ‘Carbon Zero’ Technology for Ammonia-Fueled Vessels
2024.06.02▶ ‘Global Tech Forum’ held in Greece inviting over 100 global shipbuilding and maritime stakeholders
▶ Revealed proprietary ammonia scrubber that absorbs toxic gas and emits zero carbon
▶ Real time gas leakage monitored with AI technology and drones, preventing severe accidents in advance
▶ “Will lead the future green market with world leading experience in gas carrier building and proprietary technologies.”
HD Hyundai Expands Global Collaboration for LH2 Carrier Development
2024.05.24▶ HD Hyundai signs Joint Development Agreement on LH2 Carrier Design Development with Global Energy Company, Shell
▶ HD Hyundai to lead the design of LH2 Carrier and develop large LH2 tanks, hydrogen propulsion system, and other key technologies
▶ “Hope to lead the future green energy market through this partnership”
HD Hyundai Heavy Industries Shares Excellence of K-Battleships to the World
2024.04.04▶ Hosted a delivery signing ceremony of its newest 3,000t submarine ‘Shin Chae-ho’ in Ulsan, Korea
▶ Gov’t officials from nine countries attended, and boarded the Aegis warship and frigate
▶ “Will show our on-time delivered, highly advanced submarines to the world, and fully commit to K-defense exports with the ‘Team Korea’ effort.”
HD Hyundai Heavy Industries Wins Largest Order for Latin American Navy Ships
2024.03.29▶ Selected by Peru state-run SIMA shipyard as a preferred bidder for partnership
▶ Ship to be built in Peru while HD HHI provides designs, tools and materials, technical support
▶ Winning competition against other defense power houses made possible thanks to private-public cooperation, so-called ‘Team Korea’
▶ “Will expand K-battleship market to Latin America with rich export experiences and competence in technologies”
HD Hyundai's Avikus autonomous navigation proven to reduce fuel usage and carbon emissions
2024.03.26AVIKUS, HD Hyundai's autonomous navigation in-house startup, announced today its autonomous navigation is proven to reduce fuel use by as much as 15% and expected to reduce carbon emissions by 10%. This is the first time these fuel savings have been verified.
HD Hyundai to Develop Large Liquefied Hydrogen Carrier
2024.02.14▶ Signed MOU with Woodside Energy, Hyundai Glovis, MOL to cooperate on developing a liquid hydrogen marine transportation value chain
▶ Will develop safe and efficient technology for hydrogen marine transportation by 2030
▶ “Will be an opportunity to develop technologies and seek business opportunities”
HD Hyundai Records 30.8953 trillion won Revenue and 1.006 trillion won Operating Profit in H1
2023.07.28▶ Q2 revenue reached 15.6213 trillion won and operating profit 472.6 billion won
▶ Shipbuilding, construction equipment and electric power device units achieving solid earnings
▶ HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering’s revenue at 5.4536 trillion won, up 30.2% YoY
▶ H2 earnings expected to stay stable following acceleration of profit improvement in shipbuilding unit and improved oil refining market
Dr. Jong Gye Shin, Technology Advisor of HD Korea Shipbuilding and Offshore Engineering, appointed as the Chairman of the Committee for Expertise of Shipbuilding Specifics (CESS)
2023.07.25▶ Dr. Jong Gye Shin has been internationally recognized for his accomplishments, including receiving the prestigious Elmer L. Hann Award and actively participating in domestic and international industry-academic activities.
▶ His appointment as the chairman of CESS is expected to provide an opportunity to expand Korea's influence in the global shipbuilding and maritime industry.
Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering to Develop Fuel Cell System with European Research Institute and Stack Manufacturer Partner
2023.01.09▶ Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (KSOE) signs an MOU with Fraunhofer IKTS of Germany and fuel cell component manufacturer Elcogen, based in Estonia and Finland
▶ MOU lays out a plan to develop a prototype of large-capacity solid oxide fuel cell systems
▶ KSOE aims to acquire fuel cell manufacturing capabilities and water electrolysis technology to establish a hydrogen value chain
Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering Sets to Usher in the Era of Unmanned Ships
2023.01.08▶ Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (KSOE) aims to demonstrate machinery and safety system automation as the next step to successful autonomous transoceanic voyage
▶ After completion of demonstration in 2024, the company plans to employ unmanned ship technologies for the first time in large merchant vessels